Welcome to my new website! During this very busy year I’ve been trying to figure out what I really want from my art career. With the help of “TheWorkingArtist” online course, I devoted quite a bit of time to focusing on what my professional goals are and planning for how to best achieve them. One of the most daunting items on my to do list literally for years has been making a new website and I am happy to say that I have finally crossed that item off the list. I spent some time learning about WordPress… its always good to learn a new skill… and now I totally understand why someone would hire a web designer to do their personal website! Its a work in progress as I’m sure it always will be but I am happy with where its at for now. At elizabethcastaldo.com you will find information about me and my work, images of my artwork and a blog section where you’ll get an inside look at what I’m working on. Be sure to sign up for my email newsletter to get those updates delivered right to your inbox one to two times per month. I am going to have some exciting announcements coming up soon, so you’ll want to stay in the loop. Thanks for checking out my website, I would love to hear your feedback if you have any. I look forward to continuing to connect and share my artwork with you all in the future!
Welcome to ElizabethCastaldo.com